Discord Application Using JavaScript
JavaScript is widely used for creating discord applications. Many beginner programmers enjoy developing mid-advanced discord bots. Discord bots serve as a great starting point for understanding coding. As a programmer with moderate experience, I also find joy in creating discord bots. In this guide, I will demonstrate how beginners can begin coding their own discord bot.
First Step: Grabbing a free Discord.js handler.
It is advisable for novice programmers to avoid feeling overwhelmed and disoriented initially. Consider obtaining a "discord.js handler" from GitHub to assist you. Subsequently, take the time to comprehend the code in order to facilitate your understanding and enable you to make modifications efficiently.
You could find one via: https://github.com/topics/discord-js-v14-handler
My Discord Handler: https://github.com/Endternvl/Discordv14-Handler
Second Step: Understanding
1. In case you are a beginner, it would be beneficial to grasp the basics, learn how to incorporate commands, and explore further. Additionally, seeking out handlers with YouTube tutorial can provide a detailed explanation of the code. I suggest referring to the Discord.js documentation for a deeper understanding of discord.js.
Third Step: Try adding commands
1. Understanding the process will make it easier for you. For instance, I utilize My Discord Handler. I have included all the necessary information in the README.md to facilitate comprehension. It is essential to review the README.md before exploring projects on GitHub created by others. There may be valuable information that you require.
Where can i ask questions?
Most of the time, I use stackoverflow.com
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